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Retail Profit ( >15%)

Direct profit for distributors is when they sell DXN products to non-DXN members. Retail profit is the difference between distributor price and retail price.


Group Bonus (6% - 21%)

To be entitled for this Group Bonus, you need to maintain 100 PPV each month.

* If a Star Agent (21%) maintains 100 PPV and 300 PGPV **, he will become a Qualified Star Agent (25%).

Start Group Bonus (25% - 37%)

To be entitled for this Star Group Bonus, you must be a SA and maintain 100 PPV and 300 PGPV** (QSA).

** PGPV is inclusive of personal PV (i.e. 100PPV + 200 non-QSA group PV).

Development Bonus (15%)

To be entitled for this Development Bonus, you must be a SA and maintain 100 PPV and 300 PGPV** (QSA).

** PGPV is inclusive of personal PV (i.e. 100PPV + 200 non-QSA group PV).

Leadership Bonus (15%)

To be entitled for this Leadership Bonus, you must be a Qualified Star Diamond (QSD).

International Profit Sharing (2%)

To be entitled for this International Profit Sharing (IPS) you must be a Qualified Star Diamond (QSD).

IPS Fund = Overall Company's Sales in SV X 2%


Your IPS entitlement






Your IPS Point calculation :

Travel Seminar Incentive (2%)

This Travel Seminar Incentive(TSI) shall be used by the qualifier for the travel seminar organised by the Company only. It is not exchangeable for cash and also not transferable. A qualifier may claim up to maximum Travel Seminar Fare against his/her TSI for two(2) if married.


Travel Seminar Incentive Fund = Company's Annual Sales in SV X 2%


To be shared as below:

  • 50% of the Travel Seminar Incentive Fund (TSIF) to be shared amongst all SA and above who met the YEARLY TSIP QUOTA set for the year.

  • 50% of the Travel Seminar Incentive Fund (TSIF) to be shared amongst all SD and above who met the YEARLY TSIP QUOTA set for the year.

1. Travel Seminar Incentive for SA Qualifier (TSISA)





* Travel Seminar Incentive Point (TSIP) will be calculated monthly based on the following formula and to be accumulated for a year:

2. Travel Seminar Incentive for SD Qualifier (TSISD)





* Travel Seminar Incentive Point (TSIP) will be calculated monthly based on the following formula and to be accumulated for a year:

Hand Phone Cash Incentive (RM1,050) - One Time Only


1. When you have 3 immediate SA who achieved 6,000 Accumulated GPV, then you will be entitled to receive this One Time Hand Phone Cash Incentive amounting to RM1,050.


2. Only personally sponsored downlines counted.

Oversea Trip Cash Incentive (RM7,000) - One Time Only


1. When you have 5 immediate downlines who have received their Hand Phone Cash Incentive, then you will be entitled to receive this One Time Oversea Trip Cash Incentive amounting to RM7,000.


2. Only personally sponsored downlines counted.

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